consciousness,  intentional living,  relationships

10 amazing ways to joyful, stress-free gift-giving in 2023

Is family gift giving causing you stress? Are you in angst seeking “the perfect gift”?  Breathe deeply and know you’ve landed in the right place. You’ll find the best experiential gifts on this list, suitable for any budget. 

Do your parents say things like “I don’t need anything. Everything I want, I buy”? Or “I don’t need more clutter in the house”? Are they indicating they would rather you keep your hard-earned cash? What would it be worth to you, to see your Dad enthusiastically describe the incredible experience he had, which was the direct result of your gift? Those moments are priceless; a completely different experience from the normal “gift transaction” for them, and you, the gift-giver.

This kind of a response to your gift-giving is transformational, not transactional. These are experiential moments your loved ones will always remember.

The transformational moments are not just for Dad. Look into your wife’s jewelry box, lingerie drawer, or collectables and tell yourself one more bracelet, teddy, or figurine is going to be a transformational experience for them. 

The following suggestions are for loved ones who are open to exploring new ways of thinking and being in the world. If that doesn’t describe your loved one, stick with an experiential gift that is more aligned with their way of thinking, like a round of golf, a spa treatment, or a pack of flowering bulbs for the garden. 

Here is the coveted list for your 2023 giving list. Many gifts may be accessed for free by signing up as a member.

Gift option #1

You may want to treat your loved one to a course of their choosing from the Shift Network. These range in price and topic. . . there is literally something for everyone. Shift is like TedTalks, but more on the self-development side of human experience. They also have free conferences, podcasts and other resources. They do cover a range of topics like politics, race, and science, always through a lens of expanding consciousness.

#2 – Great idea for the females in your life

Also promoted by the Shift network is “Rockin Life and Any Age” online summit for the females in your life. The range of topics is focused on health, beauty, lifestyle, finances, spirituality, parenting, vibrancy in your later years, etc. This summit is very affordable. You can watch at your own pace, and benefit from the many free gifts included with the registration fee, adding immense value. Otherwise, the seminar is free!! How great is that?!

Gift three, possibly free!

Would someone in your family be open to mediumship? At the time of this writing, Very Soul is training evidential mediums. Which means, because they are in training, your “practice” session is free! I’ve personally had four free readings, and of those, two definitely hit the mark, and one was amazing! Once graduated, Very Soul mediums can be found under the practitioner link on the site.

If you’re looking to WOW your loved one with a mediumship experience, two mediums come to mind.

The WOW factor for #4

Mark Anthony, who calls himself “the psychic lawyer”, and Suzanne Geisemann, who teaches anyone who is interested how to sharpen their intuition to become a medium. 

Everything about Mark can be found by the title of his book (which is a very good read): I’ve attended a group session with Mark, and there was not a dry eye in the room after the first 10 minutes. Due to his notoriety, Mark’s sessions are more expensive than other local or Very Soul mediums, and there is a long wait-list.

Suzanne is an intuitive who comes from a high-ranking miliary background. She is gifted at her craft, equally gifted at teaching mediumship. She does groups sessions, which are fantastic, as well as one-on-one sessions. At the time of this writing, Suzanne has such a backlog of potential clients that she is no longer adding to her waitlist. Seeing her in group settings may be the best way to access her brilliance.

#5 – Science gifts for adults and children

Have a science-geek in the family? Introduce them to Gregg Braden. Gregg offers courses, speaking events, and other resources on his website, including his fractal calculator. Gregg comes from the IT sector, and is a master “problem-solver”.

Looking for a gift for your children, nieces and nephews? Nassim Haramein’s Resonance Science will resonate with children and adults alike. Nassim is a world leader in unified physics. Many of his courses and videos are free, while others are a deep dive into the intersection of physics, health and spirituality.

Gift #6 – Guru gift

Do you have friends who have said they might like to visit an ashram one day? Or others who have declared they will never be able to do yoga but are interested in the spiritual influences of swami’s and guru’s? Check out Inner Engineering. Sadhguru offers a series of lectures which give everyday examples of living a better life. Harvard Business School and Rutgers University studied this approach and found remarkable benefits to health and productivity. Sadhguru travels around the world giving lectures and courses so that he may support his environmental NGO called Save the Soil.

Gift #7 – Executive, Life, Spiritual, Health, Wellness it’s all here

Coaching is a fast-growing industry which has benefits spanning many areas of life: career, spirituality, health and wellness, to name a few. When looking for a coach for someone you love, make sure you find a certified coach who is a member of the International Coaching Federation. Secondly, ensure the coach you select is skilled in the area you feel would be the best match for your gift-receiver. For example, I have experience coaching across many sectors, but my passion is coaching NGO leaders, and individuals who have had a spiritually transformative experience. Check out my resources at

Energize gift #8

Energy healing is a beautiful gift for the non-seeker and seeker alike. For example, Reiki can have a profound effect on the function of the body. Not knowing what Reiki even was, my partner found benefit to a knee which had been previously operated on, but was continually causing trouble with his running routine. After the session, the pain was gone and remained that way for years. There are many modalities with similar benefits; look for one you feel would be most beneficial for your loved one. I encourage you to check out my Reiki offering.

Gift #9 – the ultimate gift

For older adults who are comfortable talking about end of life, the ultimate gift is a “good death”. “Do you want a conscious, connected, and loving end of life for yourself and your loved ones?  Are you or someone you care about afraid of dying and or curious about what might come next?  Do you want to learn how to prepare for the best death possible?” The answers to these, and more, are found at the Shared Crossing Project

Gift 10 – safety for families and technology

Looking for a gift for parents who are concerned about the impact of technology in their children’s lives? If you’ve watched Childhood 2.0 you know your fears are valid. Grandparents, concerned aunts and uncles, and family friends can help their loved ones build-in safe technology practices by connecting with coach Gayle Cheatham. She can help parents set up safeguards on new technology and lead families to a safer, healthier relationship to technology and each other.

Enjoy your year of stress-free giving by providing an incomparable experiential opportunity.

Each of these suggestions offers a transformational opportunity, far exceeding the trinket accumulating transactions families and friends are accustomed to.

Most importantly, have fun finding the “perfect gift” in 2023 with no angst!

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